Wednesday 8 August 2012

First home visit

On Tuesday morning we met Kay our assessing social worker for the first time York and she interviewed us and checked out your potential bedroom.

The interview wasn't as thorough as I had thought might be - but it did pretty much touch on everything including our finances our past significant relationships and why they ended and why we wanted to adopt.

It took over two hours and I made clear that the biggest benefit to me was the certainty and that would need kay to tell us if we didn't pass any stage.

Was a bit worried when she explained about contact mostly because don't want you to get any hateful post or be in a difficult situation every year. Kay explained that she would totally make sure ok and stop anything bad happening. She also told us about some examples where it had worked and where and when the social workers jump in.

Rather brilliantly Kay thinks we are very straightforward and that her biggest challenge is documenting our vast extended support network and that we can go to the next stage.

We had all hoped there would be room in the October preparation course but sadly we were pipped by another couple and instead more likely to go in January - december if we lucky !

M is as excited and pleased we through - ridiculous that we thought otherwise as both so very normal why wouldn't we ?

Was asked to do some homework by writing out our family trees and networks and read a book - also asked to think about happy childhood memories and ones that make us uncomfortable - which uncovered lots of buried stuff about never measuring up to the ideal daughter (Christine French!) - sure have learnt pushing kids to achieve might make them grow up successful but at what cost ? M perfect for me as doesn't expect me to be anything other than me !

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