Thursday 25 October 2012

Got a date for pre prep course

Finally got date - was expecting "new year" and got April 2013 !!! Ages to go - at least house be ready by then.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Down under doing the same

No real news about the process here - other than drags on!

Had a bit of a shock when m2 visiting - she saw the envelope with children services written on which had the report in and immediately wanted to know if about her - not sure we handled it massively well as couldn't reassure her by telling truth - will need to be more careful next time - or have a cover story prepared.

Have had some good news though

Aunt and uncle down under just starting to look into doing the same - adopting their side - completely different process but what so cool is our smallest ones will have adopted cousins - making adoption all very normal in the f family.

On the less cool side is how often am being told now adopting more likely to get pregnant !!! As if doing this as distraction until a biological baby- how can I convince doubters that bringing up a lost soul is more appealing than my own - feels like they will be more valuable !

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Finished the book and putting into practice

Have finished 'connected child' and found it a revelation - so much made sense particularly about putting into trust bank before start correcting and making sure spend quality time rather than sending to various electronic stuff - pc iPod laptop tv wii ds etc !!!

M not yet finished his and already had heated discussion about whether guidance or reference - he concerned I will follow like gospel I concerned he won't.

M2 now staying up for wedding and we got chance to put into practice and to be honest m learnt loads more than me - feel like I reverting to authoritative stern parent and have to make real effort to explain be clear and find positives in m2 behaviour.

Sure have a lot to learn - luckily got lots of time.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Reading the book

Ordered two copies of Connected Child for m and I. Arrived and been reading. Have discovered many things but biggest thing is that Adopting kids will be good for me - I'm going to have to become a much better person - more patient - more reflective - more aware .

Told mum how good book is so she getting one.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

First home visit

On Tuesday morning we met Kay our assessing social worker for the first time York and she interviewed us and checked out your potential bedroom.

The interview wasn't as thorough as I had thought might be - but it did pretty much touch on everything including our finances our past significant relationships and why they ended and why we wanted to adopt.

It took over two hours and I made clear that the biggest benefit to me was the certainty and that would need kay to tell us if we didn't pass any stage.

Was a bit worried when she explained about contact mostly because don't want you to get any hateful post or be in a difficult situation every year. Kay explained that she would totally make sure ok and stop anything bad happening. She also told us about some examples where it had worked and where and when the social workers jump in.

Rather brilliantly Kay thinks we are very straightforward and that her biggest challenge is documenting our vast extended support network and that we can go to the next stage.

We had all hoped there would be room in the October preparation course but sadly we were pipped by another couple and instead more likely to go in January - december if we lucky !

M is as excited and pleased we through - ridiculous that we thought otherwise as both so very normal why wouldn't we ?

Was asked to do some homework by writing out our family trees and networks and read a book - also asked to think about happy childhood memories and ones that make us uncomfortable - which uncovered lots of buried stuff about never measuring up to the ideal daughter (Christine French!) - sure have learnt pushing kids to achieve might make them grow up successful but at what cost ? M perfect for me as doesn't expect me to be anything other than me !

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Preparing for our first interview

Had telephone call today from Kay our social worker who was arranging our first interview / home visit.

Going to take place next tues which is earliest can both get time off work.

V nervous and hope will have time to clean with hen this weekend.

Also wrote note to myself in work notebook with at least three colleagues noticing

Sunday 29 July 2012

The waiting game part one

Been nearly ten days since open evening - we sent back our 'still interested' form the next day and have had a letter with more handouts telling us we will be contacted in a few weeks to arrange an interview.

Meanwhile we've lined up all possible references and the family so they are prepared and ready to make any appointments. However slow this goes we don't want it to drag because our side wasn't available.

So now it's about a week since the letter and already the waiting is painful mostly because we know we can't speed along even if phoned everyday and generally made a nuisance of ourselves.

Now our friends and family know their initial reaction is interesting. The more some tell me not to give up hope for one of our own or it's early days could still happen if now focused on something else , the more convinced I am that we are doing the right thing - this isn't some poor substitute for a M/C gene pool, this or these adopted children are because we totally want to be able to share our life with a little person who would have less chance without us. We don't need to introduce another new life into the world, there are so many lost little souls who I am convinced with our patience and energy we'll be able to give them some hope, stability and love that will mean they aren't any longer held back by their start and instead can be whatever they like in the future.

Friday 20 July 2012

July 2012 just starting out

On Tuesday M and I went to an open evening about becoming parents.

We've talked a lot about it and have had a plan of essentially 3 rounds of fertility drugs 1 Ivf 1 reversal 1 year of unprotected and then we start the adoption process which is where we are now.

It's going to take ages - at least - 18 months - and this blog is for our new child or children to read - so they can see we loved them long before we ever met them and that they have always been in our becoming pare nts plan.

We got the 'be my parent' child finder paper with our invite to the open evening. M just glanced at it as wisely doesn't want to imagine a life with those kiddies when it's unlikely they will ever live with us.I made the mistake of literally pouring over it - and not only want to invite as many kiddies as we can squeeze in to live with us but see their haunted eyes and broken smiles all the time . Didn't know seeing them and reading their profiles would have such an effect but do want to get them out of the system and into our warm loving stable home list in my head the good schools land ings friends after school clubs and patience and love we can give them . Am not going to look at anymore child finder magazines until we closer to approval

.The open evening was fine. The social workers very clear and case studies even clearer that this is the start of a long intrusive journey.

Was surprised m not worried that his evil ex j will be contacted and reassured him that maddie mum r will be fine as he worried relationship with her so short might be judged negatively - think so admirable that made no difference to his relationship with m could even be a plus point !

Both agreed we sticking to York as close to support and other adopting parents - was also pleased the other parents to be seemed to be people we could be friends with and they all local.

Waiting for our first home visit now.